Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 12 outside of class

This is the 2 5 percent of my photoshop document that we were supposed to do for HW this week.

Week 11 outside of class

week 11b

Today was basically an in class work day. I spent the class time getting a better idea of the layout/style and presentation that I want my site to have. I like to use pinterest as a working moodboard for my projects, so I have attached a link to my css zen garden pinterest board. Our assignment for class on monday is to have 10 percent of our photoshop document designed. I spent the rest of class starting to illustrate my title/illustrations.

I started working on this illustration. I am not happy with it or the style of it. I don't think that I will be using it in my final design.

week 11a

Professor Pannafino was not in class today but assigned to us to sketch 3 different sketches of our webpage based off our element collages. At this point I am a little bit lost in this project. The elemtn collage seemed like too big of a step for me to start out with and to have laid out sketches based on them is hard for me because this is my first web project. I would have liked to have seen more layout examples to help me out with this step.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

week 10 homework

For homework this week we were to read about element collages, style tiles, and then create our own element collage (to the best of our ability) for Monday. My element collage ended up looking more like a mood board. I usually have to start with visual inspiration before I can begin my creative process so this assignment was a little hard for me. I ended up (badly) illustrating something for my element collage that I am not happy with.

Week 10 b

This is a really crappy mindmap but the idea for my css zen garden site kind of just came to me so I didn't really need to brainstorm my concept/idea very much. I am going to do a traveling themed webpage. Unlike most travel themes, mine will be based on the chaos of the actual traveling. I'm thinking quirky illustrations of overstuffed suitcases, passport thrown everywhere, and a disheveled french woman. I was inspired by a specific couple of illustrations that I found on pinterest in order to come to this idea. The first image of the stacked suitcases sparked my inspiration. The second image of the coffee pot inspired my illustration style that I want to go for.

week 10a

We started this class by going over our homework outside of class. We had some reading assignments in above the fold and IID. It was basically a recap of basic HTML and CSS ( I say recap because I learned alot of the basics in type 2 last semester). It was a very helpful class because Professor Pannafino walked us through a lot of basics using a text editor. We also ended up going over our next project (which im really excited/nervous about!). We had the option of choosing to design and code a css zen garden webpage or a lorem ipsum webpage. Because I am a beginner and nervous about coding, I am choosing the css zen garden option because the content is at least laid out for me.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 9b

We finished up the last few peoples design brief presentations today. Again, a lot of really good work that I was impressed by. It was a good learning process to see everyone else's interpretation of their work. We spent the last part of class beginning to learn about web design, screen resolution, design constraints, normal document flow, and difference between html and css.

Week 9a

So I have been a little behind on our blog but I remember what we have been doing since our final presentations of our app project. This week in class I presented my final timeout app brief. It was extremely nerve wracking but I think that I did relatively well on my presentation. The feedback that I got on my presentation was that it went a little long and also there were a few contrast errors that made my content a little hard to read at times. It was really interesting seeing everyones else's projects and how far they had come throughout the design process. I was really impressed with some of our classmates work.